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Mankato State University fountain, the Centennial Student Union can be seen in the background, 1970s?
A female student studies outside on the Campus Mall near the Fountain at Mankato State University, 1989-05-23.
Student Life on campus at Mankato State University, 1983.
Students enjoys their day on the Campus Mall at Mankato State University, 1991-05.
Campus Photographs, Mankato State University, August 18, 1987.
Campus Photographs, Mankato State University, August 18, 1987.
Campus Photographs, Mankato State University, August 18, 1987.
Campus Photographs, Mankato State University, August 18, 1987.
Campus Photographs, Mankato State University, August 18, 1987.
Campus Photographs, Mankato State University, August 18, 1987.
Campus Photograph, Mankato State University, August 18, 987.
Campus Photograph, Mankato State University, August 18, 1987.
Landmarks of Mankato State University. 5-23-89.
Mankato's cheer squad cheering in front of the Fountain during Homecoming Week, Mankato State University.
A photograph of the Fountain and Chthonic during the winter; Armstrong Hall is shown in the background; Mankato State University; 1991
People walking by The Fountain, Campus Mall, Fall, Memorial Library and CSU in background Mid-Late 1980's, Mankato State University
Person walking by The Fountain, Campus Mall, Fall, Mid-Late 1980's, Mankato State University
Group walking by The Fountain, Campus Mall, Fall, Mid-Late 1980's, Mankato State University
People walking by The Fountain, Campus Mall, Fall, Memorial Library and CSU in background Mid-Late 1980's, Mankato State University
People walking by The Fountain, Campus Mall, Fall, Memorial Library in background Mid-Late 1980's, Mankato State University
