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2004-09-16:  Looking for a few good audience members
2004-11-24:  President Davenport’s kidney transplant surgery completed
2004-06-20:  Extended Learning at MSU gets its own dean
2004-02-04:  Kids in need can get free dental care at MSU
2004-11-25:  Davenport "feeling good" one day after transplant
2004-10-29:  Limos will let MSU students vote in style on Tuesday
2004-08-27:  MSU providing help desk support for new Desire2Learn software
2004-09-14:  MSU professional counseling grad is named top graduate in Minnesota
2004-05-04:  MSU to graduate 1,617 on May 8
2004-08-15:  MSU Theatre grad is semi-pro actor in Bay Area
2004-05-15:  International students face big decisions
2004-10-05:  Earliest accredited Athletic Training Program is at MSU
2004-12-29:  President Davenport is energized after kidney transplant
2004-06-30:  Minority leader, local politicians push for special bonding bill session
2004-06-23:  MSU already acting on recommendations from Diversity Task Force
2004-11-19:  MSU accredited to offer all courses, degrees online
2004-08-12:  MBA program back on track at MSU this fall
2004-05-26:  Dr. Patricia W. Lipetzky named dean of new Extended Learning initiative at MSU
2004-12-05:  First athletic training education program began at MSU
2004-09-26:  Waseca County judge is an MSU grad
