Search results

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(155,641 - 155,660 of 163,622)


2003-06-13:  MSU tuition, fee hikes proposed
2003-01-25:  MSU settles lawsuit
2003-07-22:  Two groups working for rivers merge in hopes of more efficently monitoring waterways
2003-09-03:  MSU Awarded $750,000 Grant for Rehabilitation Counseling Program
2003-03-10:  MSU joins Clean Snowmobile Challenge
2003-03-12:  Armed robbery reported at MSU
2003-07-13:  MSU gets ready for influx of students
2003-12-11:  Task force aims to eliminate future riots
2003-10-05:  Mankato area riot Oct. 4
2003-03-24:  MSU community protests war
2003-07-15:  Southern Minnesota Initiative Foundation Elects MSU President to Board of Trustees
2003-10-07:  Disciplinary action depends on crime
2003-12-22:  Two MSU Faculty Awarded 2003-04 Fulbright Scholar Grants
2003-06-04:  MSU Civil Engineering Program Receives $20,000 Donation from Xcel Energy
2003-08-21:  Students get popular job funding back
2003-10-02:  Profile of Scott Olson
2003-09-16:  Former MNSCU trustee bikes for students
2003-10-16:  Public statement on riots
2003-10-06:  Message from President Davenport to families, friends and neighbors of MSU
2003-05-30:  Legislature approves $59.7 million bonding request for MnSCU
