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2006-10-04:  Pizza and politics a popular forum
2006-11-06:  2006 Presidential Teaching Scholars
2006-04-05:  Walk for Women's Scholarships
2006-12-04:  Program for underrepresented students receives $100,000 in funding from Colleges and Universities System
2006-10-10:  National Coming Out Week Continues
2006-12-05:  Jazz Mavericks, Jazz Singers, Jazz Combos to be featured in Dec. 5 concert
2006-11-30:  Toys for Tots drive being conducted by PRSSA
2006-06-16:  Professional bike race comes to Mankato area towns again June 17
2006-02-15:  Equality remains decades away
2006-03-13:  Maverick wrestlers capture fifth-place nationally
2006-12-20:  Urban Studies students help area communities with projects
2006-01-17:  Atypical musical 'Urinetown' opens Feb. 1
2006-04-10:  Backes named Second Team All-American
2006-10-11:  KMSU Pledge Drive Underway
2006-11-15:  60 Students, 17 languages were part of International Poetry Recital
2006-01-12:  Gov. Pawlenty to announce bonding initiatives at local press conference
2006-06-27:  Orientation tells students, parents where they can get help if necessary
2006-01-20:  MnSCU presentation captures essence of Minnesota State Mankato
2006-12-20:  Minnesota State Mankato will apply to Northern Sun Conference
2006-06-22:  Meteorologist Mark Seeley has high praise for WALTER weather lab
