The Christine Bastian collection consists of a biographical form and an audio CD and transcript of an oral history interview conducted between Bastian and Cassie Townsend in October 2007. Bastian attended Minnesota State University, Mankato from 2002-2008. In this interview, Bastian talks about why she chose to attend college and her college experiences including where she lived, jobs she held, picking her majors, the organizations she was involved with, and studying abroad.
This oral history interview was conducted as part of the Tell Your MSU Story Oral History Project conducted by the Southern Minnesota Historical Center at Minnesota State University, Mankato.
Christine Bastian was born Sept. 14, 1983 in St. Louis Park, Minnesota. She graduated in 2002 from Chaska High School in Minnesota. She began attending Minnesota State University, Mankato in 2002 and double majored in nutrition and speech communication. Bastian was a member of food and nutrition club, speech communication club, and colleges against cancer. She graduated May 2008 with a Bachelor of Science degree from the Department of Speech Communication.
More information about this collection is available on the Collection Guide.