The Victor Oyesile collection consists of an audio recording, biographical form, and transcript of an oral history interview conducted between Oyesile and Zeara Alvarez in April 2011. Oyesile attended Minnesota State University, Mankato from 2008-2012. In this interview, Oyesile talks about his family, coming to Minnesota State University, Mankato, his daily life and some memories of campus.
This oral history interview was conducted as part of the Tell Your MSU Story Oral History Project conducted by the Southern Minnesota Historical Center at Minnesota State University, Mankato.
Victor Oyesile was born February 27, 1991 in Lagos, Nigeria. He immigrated to the United States in 1999, following his grandparents. Oyesile graduated from North Branch High School in 2008 and started at Minnesota State University, Mankato in Fall 2008. At the time of the interview, Oyesile was a junior, majoring in Nursing.
More information about this collection is available on the Collection Guide.